Weronika Turowska



  1. Symbi
  2. Bioleather
  3. BioFlora
  4. Mimicking
  5. Fuss
  6. Wined
  7. Terraria Ornamentia
  8. NOU



Weronika Turowska
© 2023 blunikdesign

Fuss was an investigation about local waste and biomaterial development in connection to Aberdeen - a northeast Scottish city.

ABERDEEN WAS ONCE THE OIL CAPITAL OF EUROPE - What do we do now to make the city more sustainable? What waste do we generate in Aberdeen?

Approaching the project from an ecological standpoint, the focus shifted towards designing elements linked to the city's reputation for oil rigs and offshore jobs. The goal was to scrutinize urban waste and explore the locale through a sustainable lens.

Given the staggering annual coffee waste statistics—500,000 tons in the UK and 40,000 tons in Scotland, as per Circular Coffee—and the presence of 10 whisky distilleries in Aberdeenshire, the design concept crystallized. It took the form of a stool crafted from locally sourced coffee grounds from nearby cafes and whisky barrel staves procured from a nearby distillery.

BIOMATERIAL EXPLORATION - coffee grounds, hemp, cellulose

FUS STOOL - ‘Fus’ in polish means waste coffee ground, but also ‘fus’- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “pour, cast; join; blend.’’